Our team

For over a decade, our transatlantic team has brought a tried and tested partnership model to every relationship, showing how continuity of experience has the potential to accelerate the path to value creation.

Core Team

Simeon George, MD
Simeon George, MDCEO & Managing Partner
Rajeev Dadoo, PhD
Rajeev Dadoo, PhDCOO & Managing Partner
Jill Carroll
Jill CarrollPartner
Jake Nunn
Jake NunnPartner
Philip Habib
Philip HabibHead of Capital Partnering
Sasha Keough
Sasha KeoughGeneral Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer
Mahesh Kudari, MD
Mahesh Kudari, MDSenior Associate
James Macadam
James MacadamChief Financial Officer
Katarina Pance, PhD
Katarina Pance, PhDSenior Associate
Laetitia Schwab, PhD
Laetitia Schwab, PhDSenior Associate
Amit Shah, MD
Amit Shah, MDPrincipal
Lyla Youssef, PhD
Lyla Youssef, PhDAssociate

Venture Partners

Jake Bauer
Jake BauerUS Investments/New Company Creation
Chris Chai
Chris ChaiPortfolio Capital Raising
Eliot Charles, PhD
Eliot Charles, PhDNew Company Creation
Amit Mehta, PhD
Amit Mehta, PhDUS Investments
Iqbal Mufti
Iqbal MuftiPortfolio Business Development
Lynne Murray, PhD
Lynne Murray, PhDNew Company Creation
Matthew R. Patterson
Matthew R. PattersonUS Investments
Peter Van Vlasselaer, PhD
Peter Van Vlasselaer, PhDUS Investments


Yasir Al-Wakeel
Yasir Al-WakeelEntrepreneur-in-Residence
Daanish Jamal
Daanish JamalEntrepreneur-in-Residence

Operations Team

Frances Benson
Frances BensonManager, US Operations
Alicia Hasson
Alicia HassonExecutive Assistant
Catalina Kazi
Catalina KaziLegal & Compliance Counsel
Janet Mastrocola
Janet MastrocolaEA/Operations
Tanya McGlashan
Tanya McGlashanManager, UK Operations
Karen Narolewski Engel
Karen Narolewski EngelVP Operations
Ann Ng, CPA
Ann Ng, CPAFinance Controller
Viraj Pillai
Viraj PillaiFinance Controller
Briana Wilson
Briana WilsonSenior Administrative Assistant

NOTE: Entrepreneurs in Residence (EIR) are independent contractors that are advisors to SR One and portfolio companies of SR One, and are neither employees nor affiliates of SR One entities.